2021 In Review

It was a good year, though it provided its challenges, I believe we were made better by the end.

OHUSA is a small woodshop and because of that every project is a big project and every client is a big client. The other side is true too, every hiccup feels like a dead end. This year I truly felt this kind of heat. It was hard to guarantee anything; supply prices jumped every week, material quality plummeted, and hardware would no longer exist on shelves that used to be full. The year did not spare many hurdles. It’s worth noting that all of our business clients are family run and I know they felt this kind of heat in their own industries as well. That being said, I need to express my deepest and truest gratitude for those of you who gave me your support and your trust this year. With you, the year was full of graciousness, encouragement, and forward thinking. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, I am humbled.

The year stretched me in ways I am certain I’ll be thankful for forever. Looking back through project photos of 2021 gave me a since that, though it was a crazy year, it was a really good year. Below are photos from some projects that feel like highlights:

Baba Love

With a brand new storefront in downtown Dayton, Baba Love asked for custom retail shelving that could move around the store. In a retail environment, the ability to move shelving is key to evolving the customer experience. At some point, I’d like to provide building plans for these shelves for anyone who’d like build their own. You can find some drawings here..


At the beginning of the 2021, Fern opened their second storefront in the Walnut Hills neighborhood of Cincinnati, Ohio. Together we designed the succulent shelf that can hold over 80 plants. The “shelf plates” can be removed to lend retail space for other items. Fern is a place that I’ve been a fan of for a long time and I am thrilled to have worked together.

Warehouse 4

The corner shelving for Warehouse 4 in Kettering, Ohio was an idea that I wasn’t quite able to conceptualize until the shelves were actually installed. Now I can see shelving like this being used in different settings, especially in retail settings that may have bump-outs or pillars. For photos of past projects at Warehouse 4 visit here

Pettibone Coffee

When Pettibone approached OHUSA with a need for seating, at that time I was very interested in modular furniture; furniture that could serve multiple purposes and orientations. I’ve really enjoyed visiting Pettibone through the year to see how the space is used differently. Sometimes its a quiet nook for studying/reading and other times its full of groups and families having a good time. Here you can find some drawings of the furniture..


Wildflower could not have found a better storefront. The giant windows, the balcony, and of course its central location in Yellow Springs, Ohio all play into a wonderful customer experience. Lagom Loft designed the store concept and I really enjoyed working on this project together.

Stalf Family Pantry

As the Stalf family renovated their kitchen, they asked that I build the pantry cabinet to include some movable shelving, open drawers, and a space for a small microwave. I wish I got more detailed photos, but I think we were both pleased with the end result. This is a project I’d love to do more of in the future.

Greenhaus Coffee

No doubt, the highlight of my year was to work for Greenhaus Coffee. I feel like this shop showcases the full scale at which OHUSA can work. The project involved custom hardwood furniture, architectural carpentry, and material fabrication. Greenhaus put a lot of trust in the designs I presented and very graciously worked with us on supply issues. Visit the shop in Sidney, Ohio if you can !

Gagnet Family Nook

I really enjoy a fare share of custom residential carpentry jobs. There is a level of humility that comes with building furniture for a family unit, especially when it comes to a table and seating as they are used just about everyday. The joy in knowing your furniture is part of a daily ritual is hard to describe.

A personal note..

Again, I am beyond thankful for the support you all have given to OHUSA, a family business. We enjoyed this year to the fullest. Our son, Abel, turned 1 and he makes life all the more enjoyable. His love for being outside, eating like a piggy, and following Eden and I around makes my heart full. He has shown a great interest in tractors and power tools so I am certain the family business is in good hands!

Brennen Waldron